
Illustration of laptop, reports, and coffee.

Save Valuable Time in v10 with these Tips

Version 10 (v10) is designed to save you as much time as possible. Not only will you find the user experience to be more uniform throughout the web-application, you will also experience faster load times.

One of the other benefits of our internet-based application is the ability to utilize Keyboard Shortcuts. These series of shortcuts will help you quickly and effortlessly navigate in the browser and limit mouse clicks.

There are two types of keyboard shortcuts:

Go To Mode: These are specific to our application (e.g., Show Tips, Open the Home section, etc.) You must activate Go To Mode by using Alt + G before using the “hotkey”.

Global: These can be used throughout the application (without activating Go To Mode). These are commonly used shortcuts in web-browsers (e.g., Ctrl F to find, Ctrl + to increase the text size, etc.)

You can use these hotkeys to perform a lot of different tasks quickly or to work without a mouse.

For assistance on a certain screen or section, you can utilize the Show “Tips” option which will give you a general overview and a link to the help article associated with that section.

We’ve also added right-clicking capabilities that provide additional functionality and drop-down options for core sections like Reports and Appointments. You can interact with search results, add a report to Favorites, print, copy and paste, change and edit Appointment statuses and more!

There are many advantages to switching to our browser-based version of CollaborateMD. Check out our all about v10, page and view our introduction video that walks you through the intuitive new layout and other top features of v10.



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