
Women typing on laptop with secure icon on screen.

The Essentials of Healthcare Cybersecurity

Healthcare cybersecurity is constantly evolving. It seems like regulations and requirements are continually changing and shifting. Vital to the healthcare dynamic, providers need quality solutions that offer top-of-line security in a constantly moving landscape. The right vendor is an expert on the nation’s top healthcare cybersecurity threats and what is necessary to keep your practice and patient data safe. Below are the most common cybersecurity risks in healthcare and what partnering with the right vendor can offer.

Common Healthcare Cybersecurity Threats

Malicious network traffic includes any suspicious link, file, or connection that is being created or received over the network. It is designed to infect networks and devices. The right software can help protect your practice from malicious network traffic.

Phishing is a healthcare cybersecurity risk that appears most often in the form of emails. This usually involves a cleverly disguised text that looks legitimate and is designed to get you to click a link. This link often introduces cybersecurity hackers to your protected network and puts your practice and patients at risk.

Poor Software
Low quality or out-of-date technology can leave you vulnerable to healthcare cybersecurity attacks. Lack of encryption or protective measures against the latest risks leaves you open to hackers and harmful data breaches.

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Partner with the Right Vendor
Partnering with the right vendor can help keep your practice safe from healthcare cybersecurity risks and keep your data out of the wrong hands.

Cloud-Based Technology
Cloud-based technology is the latest development in software that keeps your practice secure from every angle while also increasing authorized accessibility. With cloud-based technology, your team can get rid of high-maintenance in-house servers that are notorious for crashes and data loss. With this tool, your team can access important data from nearly anywhere. This makes it easy for on-the-go providers to access patient data, complete charges, and document on the go. The right vendor will offer a cloud-based solution that is encrypted and regularly updated for optimal security.

Establish Security Culture
Creating a “culture” of security is vital. Everyone that works for your organization should be on the same page when it comes to safety measures and keeping data safe. This might include creating a plan for the unexpected, controlling who is authorized to access certain software, changing passwords regularly, and only using the best technology. With the expectation and requirement for top-of-the-line security, your practice is less likely to fall victim to healthcare cybersecurity risks.

Train Your Staff
Training your staff on the changes in industry security standards, what to look for, and how to use your software is essential for avoiding healthcare cybersecurity risks. With the right training in place, your team is less likely to fall victim to things like phishing or download non-secure software. Your vendor can help make training your staff simple with quality implementation and 24/7 customer support. The right vendor can make all the difference to your organization’s success.

To learn more about software solutions that can help your practice avoid healthcare cybersecurity risks, click here.



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