Theories about the future use of AI in healthcare have existed for decades. The idea that robots will take over our care and artificial intelligence will change the medical landscape forever is often seen in science fiction. Does AI have a place in healthcare? The truth is, it already does.
The use of AI in healthcare may not look like it does in movies, but it is helping providers everywhere make incredible medical developments and change how they offer care, forever. Below are 4 ways that artificial intelligence is changing the healthcare industry.
AI in Healthcare
Reducing Administrative Strain
AI in healthcare is offering providers increased administrative workflow assistance. With so many details involved in the care process, providers can quickly experience administrative strain. Initially driven by the need to digitize patient records, AI has made its way into a multitude of different systems. AI-assisted software simplifies charge capture and automatically reviews clinical documentation to save time. Chatbots and other messaging platforms improve patient flow, reduce wait time, and help coordinate care for patients.
Patient Engagement
Patient engagement is increasing due to the presence of AI in healthcare. The more involved a patient is in their care, the more likely they are to achieve positive outcomes and comply with other parts of their care. The more convenient and simpler it is for a patient to engage their provider, the more likely they are to play an active role in their care. AI in healthcare is helping to increase patient engagement in many different ways. Through tools like automated appointment reminders and automated scheduling, patients are able to stay engaged more easily. The convenience and ease of AI in healthcare offers to patients helps them stay connected to your team.
Virtual Nursing Assistance
Virtual nursing assistance is an incredible development within AI in healthcare. This tool is helping patients stay engaged and invested in their care. Integrated with tools like Amazon Alexa, patients can get the extra help they need in their homes or care facilities. This tool helps patients remember when to take their medication when they have doctor’s appointments and more. This helps patients adhere to their care plan and stay on top of their scheduling.
Lastly, AI in healthcare is helping the diagnostic process. With the ability to categorize data better than any human, this tool is changing how providers collect and analyze information. With preset algorithms in place, AI can predict different developments in public health. It can help doctors access diagnostic data that develops treatment plans and improves community health. Machine learning can help providers save money and improve patient outcomes.
Artificial intelligence technology continues to emerge in healthcare and shows no signs of stopping. To learn more about AI tools that can help your practice run more efficiently while helping your patients and practice grow, click here.